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Bean and Potato Pie

This lovely pie is the perfect healthy comfort food that avoids the use of tomato which is very aggravating for the digestive system and pitta. This meal is suitable and balanced for all dosha but is particularly nourishing for vata due to its earth and water. The spices and ingredients can be changed and adapted depending on your imbalance, this is noted in the recipe. The only condition is this meal may be less suitable for are those with serious digestive conditions such as Crohn's or IBS, in which case herbal treatment from an Ayurvedic practitioner will be necessary before the body is able to process more complex foods such as beans. The recipe is completely free from animal products and the potatoes contain balancing spices so they become easily digestible and balancing for kapha dosha. The softening and cooling potato balances the warming bean mix making the meal appropriate and non-aggravated for pitta dosha. The meal contains all the 5 tastes and so should leave the body feeling satisfied and all the tissues fully nourished. Please check in previous blog posts if you are unsure what imbalance you are suffering from or contact me to arrange an Ayurvedic consultation.

I have to admit I'm not a measurer so these quantities are rough and subject to your own taste preferences, this recipe should fill a medium pie dish.


3 tsp of coconut oil

5/6 cans of black beans (or a mix of different beans if you prefer), use butter beans or chickpeas if are suffering from a severe pitta imbalance.

3 onions finely chopped

5 cloves of crushed garlic (less if digestion is poor and/or a vata imbalance is occurring - you may feel bloating and have excess gas if this is the case)

2 inches of fresh ginger chopped

1 green chilli chopped (avoid if suffering from pitta imbalance/having any pain, acid or inflammation in the body)

2 cups of washed and finely chopped mushrooms

1/2 cups of frozen peas

1/2 a butternut squash finely chopped

A large handful of spinach

2 tsp of vecon or marmite (avoid for pitta imbalance)

1tbsp soya sauce (optional)

1tbsp balsamic vinegar (optional)

5/6 medium white potatoes

1 large sweet potato

To add to the mash:

1/4 tsp of nutmeg

1 tsp of mustard (avoid for pitta imbalance)

1/2 tsp of ground black pepper

1/2 tsp rock salt

A few cups of almond milk (depending on your preferred consistency)

Spice mix for the beans:

2 tbsp ground coriander

1 tbsp ground cumin

1/2 tsp cinnamon

2 tsp fennel seeds

1 tsp mixed spice

1/4 tsp ground clove

2/4 tsp paprika (avoid for pitta imbalance)

ground black pepper

1 tbsp mixed herbs such as rosemary and thyme


- Prepare the bean spice mix

- Pre-heat the oven to 180c. The start to boil a large pan of salted water, wash and chop all the potatoes in to 4 and place them in the pan until well cooked.

- Heat 2 tsp of coconut oil on a tray in the oven until melted then add the squash with a dash of the bean spice mix and roast until soft.

- Meanwhile heat the coconut oil in a saucepan and add the onion, ginger and chilli, sweat for 5 mins then add the garlic and cook until everything is soft.

- Add the bean spice mix and cook while constantly stirring for a minute, then add the mushrooms and stir for another minute.

- Add vinegar and soya sauce, the beans (mostly drained) and the vecon and stir occasionally for about 10 mins. You may need some of the bean water to make the mix in to a thick gravy consistency. Near the end of the cooking process add the frozen peas, bring to the boil again, take off the heat and stir in the washed spinach and roasted squash.

- To make the mash drain the potatoes and add all the mash ingredients in to the pan. Mash until reasonably smooth then taste and add any additional seasoning or liquid.

- Place the bean mix in to the pie dish leaving an inch for the topping.

- Spread over the mash with a spatula then scrape along with a folk to make ridges.

- Place in the oven for around 15 mins or until the top is starting to become golden and crispy.

While the pie is cooking you could steam some additional green veg such as broccoli to have with the pie. Enjoy!

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