During the Autumn and Winter it's great to keep our food warm wherever possible. At this time of year as the weather gets colder vata and kapha doshas start to come in to the environment and these both have a cold quality. These cold qualities can affect our digestive capacity reducing the power of the agni (digestive fire) and resulting in the formation of undigested matter (ama) which can cause blockages and imbalance in the system. To remain strong and balanced through these seasons cutting out salads and having three warm meals a day whenever possible will be very supportive but it can be hard to find warm lunch options.
To help you out I'm sharing this sattvic recipe that can be used for lunch or dinner but is ultimately very quick and although I suggest using coconut rice, it can be made with any left over rice from the day before. The vegan fish sauce contains seaweed which has an impressive nutritional profile and is warming by nature. It is high in folic acid, calcium and vitamin K and is excellent at fighting off colds.
A few cups of leftover rice or coconut rice
(in which case you will need: 1 cup of wholegrain rice, 3 tbsp desiccated coconut, 1 can of coconut milk)
1 inch of finely chopped ginger
2 cloves of minced garlic
3 finely chopped spring onions
Chopped tender stem broccoli
4-5 sliced mushrooms
1 sliced red pepper (optional)
You can use any spare veg you have lying around
1/4 packet of tofu (I used a teriyaki marinated one from 'tofoo')
2 tsp rice wine vinegar (optional)
2-3 tsp vegan fish sauce (I used the 'thai taste' version)
1 tbsp soya sauce
1/2 tsp of coconut oil
Black pepper to taste
1/2 a lime
If making the coconut rice:
Toast the desiccated coconut in a saucepan until slightly golden
Wash the rice well then place in a saucepan with the desiccated coconut and coconut milk. Add enough water so it covers the rice then add about an inch more (you need to keep checking this and add more liquid if necessary as it depends on the rice you are using). Add a good pinch of salt.
Cook until soft (about 30 mins if wholegrain), drain any excess liquid
To make the stirfry
Heat the coconut oil in a frying pan
When hot add the spring onion and ginger, stir for a few mins until soft
Add the garlic and stir for a min then add the vinegar
Add the other vegetables and stir until starting to soften
Add the 'fish' sauce, tofu and the rice, when the veg is ready and the rice is warmed through add the soya sauce and black pepper to taste
Serve with a squeeze of lime juice